So I guess it's time to bring back my grumpy kitty. This is how I felt all day yesterday. Why, you ask? I woke up to what was dawning as a sunny day. Yay for sunshine!
But the temperature was 9 degrees
For you celsius people, that's....wait a minute....minus 13C (-13!).
Right now the temperature here is 20 degrees F, exactly the same temp as in Oslo and Stockholm right now.
But I didn't really get grumpy until I started grading student papers in the afternoon. Just explain to me how an assignment can say this:
"Your paper should be no less than 800 words, but you can certainly exceed that."
And half the papers stop somewhere around 400-500 words! Totally failing to develop their topic. And did I mention plagiarism? Just a little thing.
OK, OK, I know nobody cares..........and that makes me grumpy, too!
(You can click on the strip to read it more clearly.)
Could it also be that someone doesn't want to turn another year older tomorrow?
Better than the alternative, I always say! Happy birthday, Mom!
That's NOT why I was grumpy!
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