Oct 17, 2012


Visited Sarlat, an old fortified city, today (I guess all the cities and villages around here qualify as "old," don't they?)  Wednesday is their market day-- not too impressive, but it's out of season here.  Lots of foie gras, etc.  Had a great lunch (foie gras, cassoulet, creme caramel) and wandered around.  Bought a gluten-free almond cake (yumm!) and a French extension cord, the problem being a severe shortage of outlets in 13th century houses!

Mom got up at 3AM to watch the debate online, so we quit kind of early today.  Hopefully, we'll get some blogging started soon.

Pics of Sarlat.


Zannah said...

So great! I SO want to go. I'll pass on the gluten-free almond cake, though. :)

Regan said...

Eat some cassoulet for me!