Drove down here on Thursday and spent the night in a lovely B&B in Mauleon, a town just north of Idaux-Mendy, where our house sit is. The scene above is the view from our bedroom window at the B&B. One other thing about the B&B-- can anyone tell me where one is supposed to pour the coffee?
Yes--- in the soup bowl!
Alastair, Louise, Charlie and Olivia didn't leave until about 4:30 this afternoon, so we spent the morning driving through the mountains to St. Jean Pied-de-Port. Beautiful village, just 8 kilos from the Spanish border. Had a lovely lunch and didn't make it to the border (another day.)
At one point, we heard bells clanging and thought, "Goats? Cows?" So we hiked 50 yards up the road where a pasture (if you can call a nearly vertical field a pasture) opened up and sure enough-- cows. (Supposed to be a video here, but can't get it to upload. Maybe later.)
And, finally, our primary charge for the next two weeks, Izzy.
More photos of the mountains here.
So, does Izzy speak English? He/she looks rather calm and quiet.
Your photos look wonderful - those on the blog page. I can't find them on Snapfish. I'm obviously incompetent.
Times continue to be stressful. The only good thing I can say about planning the Christmas Show is that I don't wake up nights worrying about the wedding. Cat can do that. One of my chorus friends, close enough to Cat and me to be invited to the wedding died of cancer last week. Her memorial service is Tuesday and the chorus is singing which I expect will be a challenge.
And, frustratingly and somehow embarrassingly, I am being treated for Pink Eye. Really, and at my age!! I can't even blame the grandkids.
Otherwise all is well. Love, Joan
Why are you pouring coffee into a bowl?
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