"A tornado reportedly touched down in Louisville, Ky., as the thunderstorms blew through around 11:30 a.m. EDT Tuesday."

Just a few minutes after that, we heard the sirens sounding the tornado warning. My first class was just ending, so I began ushering them into the small inside room adjacent to our classroom. Meanwhile, in the glass-enclosed (on two sides) lobby, others were clustered around the TV showing the radar, disregarding warnings to move to inside rooms.
While some were mostly curious, others were terrified. I found two young women huddled in the corner of one of the women's restrooms, who asked me fearfully when I came in: "Is it all-clear yet?"
The warning lasted about an hour. Needless to say, afternoon classes were not well-attended.
Yeah, we had a Dr. Weather alert at the hospital (which is who they page over the intercom to let people know there's severe weather of some sort). Nobody reacted to it, except some lady wandered into my office and closed the blinds. As she wandered back out muttering something about "Dr. Weather," I asked her why she closed the blinds. She turned around and said completely seriously, "Tornado warning, we don't want flying glass." Then she proceeded to close the blinds on the glass panel on my office door. Thanks, dear. I feel much safer.
It was definitely an interesting day....we had to shut down the bank and we all headed into the vault....we sat around and chit-chatted for a half-hour while a couple of people hung just outside of the vault watching it storm....
I'm glad everyone's alive!
It wasn't nearly that exciting here. But I think hanging out in a bank vault could be cool.
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