Jan 2, 2009

Slow Blogging

I read an interesting blog today that took me back to a NYT article here:

which described Todd Sieling's Slow Blog. In this second link, http://toddsieling.com/slowblog/?page_id=10, he describes his manifesto of slow blogging. I like it, and I'm intrigued by the possibilities of using blogs in a first semester freshman writing class. Also, I'm wondering what impact Facebook and Twitter will have on blogging and emailing. Not to mention texting. With the resurgence of written communication via computer during the 90s (email and then blogs), will these shorter forms replace them? And is this satisfying enough? With Facebook expanding our networks geometrically, maybe these one-liners posted to all are all we can manage. Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

MindyMelMelinda is reading B&B's blog and thinking I'm glad I'm not in freshman writing classes anymore. :)

Zannah said...

Are you kidding? I think it's a great idea!

Where in the world are B & B? said...

MindyMelMelinda never did like having me for a teacher. :)

Zannah said...

I said it was a great idea for a class...not that I'd want you to teach me. :)

Zannah said...

Sorry I didn't call you back, Mom. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you!