For those of you living in warmer climes (like us at the moment), you'll probably take great satisfaction in being where you are instead of in this picture--Louisville. An ice storm Tuesday night, followed by a few inches of snow, has caused great havoc and massive power outages across the state that may last as long as two weeks. Yikes! Let's get that stimulus package going to work on the grid.
You blogged! And yes, even though it's not really warmer in northern VA, it is certainly less icy. And we all have power. Makes a big difference. I don't envy you, Mind! Except that you got to stay home most of the week. I'm a little jealous of that. And very jealous of Mom's 60- and 70-degree days.
Hasn't exactly gotten as high as 60s or 70s this week but it sure beats that ice and snow.
I'm just glad we're some of the lucky few with electricity.
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