Sep 24, 2010

It's a new backyard!!

So, I guess I could have cleaned things up a little, but I know you guys wanted to see the new look. Now I guess we'll have to go buy furniture and stuff! A few more pics here.


Anonymous said...

Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. Penso che questo sia una buona idea.
Condivido pienamente il suo punto di vista. In questo nulla in vi e credo che questa sia un'ottima idea. Sono d'accordo con te.

MindyMelMelinda said...

Yo tambien, creo que si. Una buona idea. :)

Looks great, guys. We need to get out there soonsoonsoon, especally now that the weather is going to being Ky-fall perfect. Maybe we'll bring you some figs.

Betty said...

Molte grazie per il tuo commento. Vuoi dirci chi sei?


Joan said...

Looks terrific. Can't wait to see it. Joan