The vegetable garden layout, of course, is Barbara's, but everything except the strawberries (just finishing) and a couple of the herbs are our plantings. Mom's got wildflowers in two of the beds and we expect a lot of color. Already have a couple of peppers and there's two small green tomatoes on one of the plants and lots of blooms.
And the small flower bed by the driveway now has a new look. It will take a couple of years to fill in, but we think it's rather pretty.
What follows is the "Dragonfly Garden", formerly known as the Shade Garden. It was terribly overgrown (due to neglect until last week), so I kind of waded in and started pulling everything I thought was a weed. I fear I may have been overzealous, but we won't know until Barbara visits again and asks, "Where's the ...?" In any case, we're pretty pleased. LOW MAINTENANCE! We're just going to add a few more hostas.
looks great!
It's beautiful.
I can't decide if my favorite part is the back or the new bed by the driveway.
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