(Hey, look, I'm blogging!)
As if there weren't enough issues in long-term relationships, this is the most recent. Article in today's NYTimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/29/fashion/29netflix.html?ref=fashion
Here's a quote:
“I had ‘English Patient’ for more than six months,” Mr. Marino confessed. “It was an insane amount of time.” He recalled starting the same discussion with his wife, night after night, as they flipped among the five DVDs from their Netflix subscription. “Do you want to watch this? Do you want to watch this? Do you want to watch ‘English Patient?’ ”
“No,” was the response he got.
Soon, Mr. Marino could not even get the full title out of his mouth before it was shot out of the sky like the English Patient himself.
“It was like, ‘Eng — —’ ”
“It just sat. My wife thought it would be too depressing. I’m like, ‘When are you going to be in the mood to watch it?’ She’s like, ‘I don’t know.’ ”
Eventually, it was returned unwatched."
Oh, well, maybe you have to be there.
1 comment:
I can't tell you how many movies we've sent back unwatched for exactly that reason. A lot of times we can't remember why we put it on our queue in the first place. Our latest movie: The Devil's Rejects, Rob Zombie's sequel to another horrible movie. Mark's choice.
But he never wants to watch the movies that I want to see. At least I'll entertain his picks, and like Dad, I rarely give up on them no matter how bad they are.
And often we end up DVRing a movie on our queue and forgetting to take it off of Netflix. Major PITA when that one shows up in the box. But hey, great thing, that Netflix. :)
We've got Pineapple Express coming next. Stoner movie. Fingers crossed it doesn't suck.
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