On both cliffsides are houses, some fancier than others. Some are just palapa-roofed snugs like these where we are. The dogs romped with the ball, but the undertow was pretty strong so Bob didn’t throw it out very far, just along the edge of breaking waves. Howdy is so single-minded when chasing his ball that we knew he would keep going if it went farther out. Bob didn’t fancy having to do a canine rescue in that strong undertow.

Even Daisy really seemed to enjoy the surf and sand, chasing and playing, but then she decided to roll in the packed sand over and over, embedding it in her fur. Must have felt good, I guess. I wasn’t too pleased since she snuggles me in bed. The two spear fishermen went back to it, exploring the calmer pools of water among the rocks, but we don’t know what kind of fish they were expecting.

At the north end of the beach, I went to explore some rocks, thinking I might perch on one and watch the ocean. But as I got close, I saw that the rocks were covered with sand crabs scuttling all over them. Decided I wouldn’t perch there, but by this time I was thoroughly soaked from the waves crashing against the rocks. It was fun.
1 comment:
That looks SO cool. More pictures, please.
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