May 29, 2007

Where in the World Are B & B?

We're spending our year of experimentation in retirement, so created this spot to post observations and pictures to share with family and friends.


Zannah said...

Well, the link works, and I can read your blog, but the directions are still in Spanish. I have no idea what the rest of the site is telling me to do. :) Glad it's up, though.

Where in the world are B & B? said...

Well, I guess this could encourage all of us to improve our reading in Spanish, huh? There must be a way to bypass this linguistic impasse.

Zannah said...

It's more likely to encourage us to click on random links.

Unknown said...

No comprendo los instrucciones. Ayuda me, por favor!

Candy said...

huh? Je ne parle pas en espanol...

Zannah said...

Yay! It's in English!

Pamela said...

(imagine an accent)
How you say I can learn Spanish when I can barely speak the English?