I realized that I've rendered myself mute by telling myself that I have to write everything that's happened to us in the 6 weeks or so. But...never gonna happen. The longer I wait, the heavier the burden ("It'll take hours! I don 't have the right pictures! I need to sort and label the pictures!" and so on.) So I decided to just start from right now, today, and if I can keep that going (following Z's noble consistency), maybe I'll eventually go back and pick up some other things.
So, today I woke up first about 7 am and drowsed a bit before getting up a little before 8. Even though actual sunrise happens before that, the full effects don't happen until later. There are large trees to the east that block the sight of the sun, but the slanted morning rays across the village below us and the lake and mountains beyond are captivating. I went downstairs to the kitchen and started the coffee and let the dogs out.
[ They sleep now in their kennel together in one of the spare bedrooms. Howdy gets so freaked out by the noise of the loud thunder and cojetes that he paces around and around our bed at night. One night a thunderclap was so loud right above us that he leaped into bed with us. Hasn't done that for awhile. We were also hoping that the kennel would soothe him and feel like a safe haven. So far, he hasn't said, but we're sleeping better anyway.]
Then we all trooped back upstairs with coffee to watch the morning light. Bob decided it was probably time to get up. It was chilly enough this morning for jeans and long sleeves but very pleasant. Gorgeous blue skies and the incredible view.

[On the upper floor there is only one bedroom, but it's gigantic. Huge room with king bed, sofa, fireplace, large-screen TV (55"") on the wall opposite the bed--actually too far away to see it very well from the bed. I think 100" might be just right. The bedroom has south-facing sliding glass doors that open onto the terrace, about the same size as the bedroom. The suite includes an enormous closet with glass doors fronting the hanging parts and built-in drawers and shelves. Through the closet is the bathroom with toilet, double vanity, large walk-in shower, and huge jacuzzi tub that overlooks the garden and the lake. There's also another big linen closet. And a small private terrace past the shower and tub. The only other room on the 2nd floor is the laundry room with w/d and a door that opens into a small drying area. There's also access to the flat part of the roof where I now have a clothesline. Yay! The combination of altitude, low humidity, and abundant sunshine means everything dries in a jiffy. So I get to indulge my (strange, I know) affinity for hanging out clothes while feeling oh so virtuous about using solar power.]
Isabel, the housekeeper, was due at 9, so we had planned to go out for breakfast with the dogs, then take them to the malecon for a walk. We went to Yve's, one of Bob's favorite places. Yve was born in Mexico, French father and Mexican mother.. The tables are arranged in the garden around a pool with a fountain in the middle and along the side, plants arranged all around.
Bob always, ALWAYS has chilaquiles for breakfast.
I had a spinach, mushroom, and cheese omelet. (Yve's is also the restaurant that adopted the burro Vino Blanco after his elderly gringo owner died.)
The dogs settled at our feet while we ate. We haven't taken them out to eat with us much this time, but they were very good.
Then we drove to the malecon to walk off breakfast. Still so beautiful, a bit warmer, but a breeze whipped up the lake almost into whitecaps.
Our walk was fairly short because we had to be back home by 11:30 when Daisy and Howdy had beauty appointments with Edgar the groomer. They were very good as always (I think they secretly like the bathing and clipping and attention--who doesn't?) and now sacked out in the den with us. But looking lovely and handsome, respectively.
So when we got home, Isabel was still here cleaning, Ricky the gardener was in the atrium scrubbing the fountain, and Edgar arrived soon after to groom the dogs in the carport. Who thinks we do nothing all day? Somebody has to supervise. So it's 2:30--Bob is reading, the dogs are napping, I'm finally completing a blog (!) and the day is young. Even though it started out chilly, it's now about 80. The pool temperature is 78 and we have plans to go in it.
And I have finally written another blog!!